Alligators as inspiration for Jenna Kernan's next release, The Hunted Girls
Though alligators do serve a grim and gory roll in my new release, The Hunted Girls, most encounters this these Florida natives are much more peaceful.
I often kayak in freshwater and, in Florida, that means kayaking with alligators. Though they have been known to grab an unsuspecting bird or small mammal from the shore, they mainly eat fish, turtles, snakes and even fruit. Boaters in fresh water know to keep their distance from alligators and these reptiles usually do the same. The exception is when large females are protecting their young.
Gators are opportunistic and will eat whatever they find, unfortunately including shoes, tennis balls, and occasionally a small dog.
In the spring, male alligators are on the move, traveling from one watery spot to another, searching for territory and a mate. This means they also end up in driveways, golf courses, swimming pools and even inside peoples homes. It is one of may things that keep things interesting and make Florida so unique.
Alligators are farmed here and in other places around the world. They are commonly served in local restaurants, though my UK editor could hardly believe it. In actuality, people eat more alligators than alligator eat people.
Gator Bites fried in cornmeal and fried pickles with chipotle aioli dipping sauce.
One of my favorite places to spot alligators is Myakka River State Park. I used this park as a setting for one of the scenes from A Killer's Daughter and the alligators here and on the St Johns River served as inspiration for several scenes in The Hunted Girls. It is hard not to be inspired by reptiles that can grow to fourteen feet and run 20 mph!
If you'd like to see more of the alligators I spotted on my recent trip to Myakka River State Park, you can watch the video below or watch this video on YouTube.