Eliza Watts has everything I’ve ever wanted. Three perfect children. A doting husband. A dream home. But she really shouldn’t have hired me. Because I know a secret that could destroy it all…
When Eliza Watts hires me as her assistant, I can’t believe my luck. I steady my nerves as she glances approvingly over the carefully curated lies on my CV. I need this job. She can’t know where I’ve really been these last few years.
It’s funny she doesn’t recognize me. Because we’ve met before. I’ll never forget it. And ever since, I’ve wanted nothing but to be close to her and her perfect family – the one thing I’ve always wanted for myself.
She shouldn’t have been so quick to trust me. Now that I’m in her home, I can see the cracks in her perfect life. A life that her thousands of adoring fans believe is real. But everything she has is built on lies.
When Eliza announces she’s pregnant, her daughter Aubree is shaken. She says she’ll tell me a secret. Eliza has fabricated her entire life, including being a mother. Aubree was stolen from her real mother years ago. And now, Eliza will steal another child to add to her picture-perfect family.
I should be afraid of her. But Eliza doesn’t know that I know an even darker secret that would destroy her perfect life in an instant. And if she finds out why I’m really here, I won’t get out of here alive…
An utterly gripping psychological thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the small hours, flipping the pages until you get to the next heart-stopping twist. Fans of Sue Watson, Freida McFadden and K.L Slater will be gripped from start to finish!
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Roth Family Lies: Book 2 of 2
“You’re having twins!” Becca runs her hand over my huge pregnant belly. It sends shivers down my spine. There’s something off about her smile. And now she’s living in my home…
When my husband Seth and I bought our perfect home, all I wanted was a chance to start a loving family—the one thing I never had. And all our dreams come true when I get pregnant with twins. But we had no idea financial ruin was just around the corner. Desperate to keep our heads above water, we have no choice but to take in lodgers.
Becca, Jules and Zoe are dream roommates. So why do I feel so uneasy when Seth leaves me alone with them? Maybe it’s because I keep catching Becca and Jules in places they shouldn’t be. And Zoe says she knows my mother—the toxic woman whose influence I still feel every day.
Maybe I’m just imagining things. Perhaps I’m like my mother after all—paranoid and delusional. She’s too sick to look after herself without help. I need to pull it together. I can’t end up like her.
But when I start to see dark shadows moving behind my bedroom door at night, I can’t shake the sickening feeling that someone is watching me.
I start to eavesdrop on their conversations. And what I hear makes my blood run cold. They aren’t who they say they are. And I think I’ve put my unborn babies in deadly danger by inviting these strangers into my home…
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Roth Family Lies: Book 1 of 2
I carefully count the sedative pills and place them in my patient’s trembling hand. Poor Sabrina rambles about the death of a child, and a terrible accident. Her husband – my employer – says delusions are a heartbreaking symptom of the illness. But the more time I spend with his wife, the less I believe him…
All I’ve ever wanted is to care for people, to nurse my patients back to full health. So when Dr Roth hires me, I promise him I won’t leave his wife’s side. But after weeks of no progress, I start to worry Sabrina will never get better.
But then, I notice when her husband leaves the house, Sabrina becomes more clear-headed. She tells me she’s done something terrible. And that her husband is lying. He keeps her trapped because of what she did. And she begs me to help her escape.
Can I believe the words of a woman suffering from delusions? Or is Dr Roth not as trustworthy as he seems? One of them is lying. But there is something the Roths don’t know… because I’m lying too. And if they find out why I’m truly here, I’m certain I won’t leave this house alive.
An unbelievably gripping psychological thriller with a mind-blowing twist that will have you flipping the pages deep into the night. Fans of The Doctor’s Wife, The Perfect Marriage and The Surgeon won’t be able to put this down!
Books in The Roth Family Lies series can be read in any order.
Your little girl is all yours… isn’t she?
Dani and her husband Tate’s life together is almost perfect. But Dani is haunted by guilt for causing a terrible car accident that left her unable to have children. She can’t remember why she was driving so fast that day or where she was going. Her therapist says she should try to move on.
So when their application to adopt is accepted, Dani sobs with joy. As perfect little Willow nestles in her arms, Dani looks at Tate’s loving smile and knows he will always provide for his family, no matter what.
When Dani sees a woman staring as she pushes Willow’s stroller around the safe, gated Florida community where they live, she tells herself it’s simply an admiring passer-by. After all, Dani herself used to watch the local moms and wish she was in their shoes.
But when Dani wakes in the night to find Willow’s crib empty, their perfect life becomes a nightmare.
In her frantic distress for her daughter, Dani’s memories of the accident flash through her mind. And with a jolt she realizes: everyone around her has been lying about that day.
Will Dani find out the truth before it’s too late for her baby girl?
Or will facing her own dark secrets tear them all apart?
A totally addictive and heart-stopping read with a truly mind-blowing twist. Fans of The Woman in the Window, Gone Girl and The Wife Between Us won’t be able to put down this incredible thriller from bestselling author Jenna Kernan.
My daughter’s golden-brown curls bounce before her wide green eyes. She laughs and warmth spreads into my cheeks. But my smile freezes as my heart turns to ice. My husband’s exes say this perfect life is a lie. My darling Phoebe, what if you’re in danger, and it’s all because of me?
As I carefully pull a batch of my husband Jackson’s favorite oatmeal cookies from the oven, my hands tremble in fear.
It’s so hard to know who to trust. I thought Jackson was perfect. No one had ever made me feel so special, and when he proposed nothing could’ve stopped the ‘yes’ spilling out of me.
But now it seems our house if full of rules… and consequences. And his two ex-wives keep trying to talk to me. I wish he’d told me about them before we got married.
They say their daughters are missing. That Jackson took them. That if I try to leave him, my little girl will be next.
An absolutely addictive psychological thriller that will have you racing through the pages late into the night! Fans of The Perfect Marriage, The Wife Between Us and The Woman in the Window won’t be able to put this down.
Book 1 of 2: Agent Nadine Finch
The girl’s long black hair clings to her face like seaweed. Her beautiful eyes are open, unseeing. And a thin line of flesh circling the base of her ring finger has been removed. It’s just like the others…
When Agent Nadine Finch gets the call about the broken body of a young woman found drifting in Sarasota Bay, Florida, she pretends it’s just another case: but deep down, she’s lying to herself. Even though she changed her name, Nadine has always known her family’s dark past would catch up with her eventually.
Examining the wound around the victim’s finger, a cruel imitation of a wedding ring, she knows for sure: someone has started killing young women in exactly the same way Nadine’s serial-killer mother did 20 years ago.
There’s only one place she’ll find answers. And until she does, every woman in this close-knit community is in danger. At the prison, Nadine flinches as she hears her mother’s soft voice—such a contrast to those cold, cruel eyes—for the first time in decades.
‘Hi baby. I’ve been expecting you…’
Book 2 of 2: Agent Nadine Finch
Lying on the damp earth by the lake, the woman’s long chestnut hair is splayed around her, and carefully placed leaves cover every inch of her skin. Her bright blue eyes are frozen open, the branches of the pines above her the last thing she ever saw…
Agent Nadine Finch rushes to investigate the murder of newlywed Nikki Darnell in Ocala National Forest, Florida. She swore she’d never set foot there again—not since the case fifteen years ago which tore her life apart—but spotting the triangular cuts scarring Nikki’s perfect pale skin, she knows she must put her own traumatic past aside to find justice for Nikki and her devastated husband.
Discovering water in Nikki’s lungs, and certain the triangular wounds were made by arrowheads, Nadine must convince her team that Nikki was injured and drowned before being left for them to find. But who would do such a thing? And why? Then another woman, a mother of two, is discovered in the woods, tell-tale arrow marks all over her body.
Recognizing her as a local waitress, Nadine has just traced the arrow heads to an outdoors store when she receives a chilling note: “Three little birds. So pretty in their cages. I caught them all for you.”
Heavy with guilt, Nadine questions if the killer is someone she’s known all along… with time running out, will Nadine need to sacrifice herself to stop this deadly hunter, before more innocent lives are taken?
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