12 Way to Tell if You Are A Superfan!
Their are readers and then there are those voracious consumers of books. They stack books beside their bed, cram their Kindle with new offerings and have that most precious and reveared shrine of all in their home...I speak of...the keeper shelf. Attaining real estate on that precious place is every authors ambitions because you know what they say, "Location. Location. Location."
These fans review books, re-read books, attend conferences, expos and 'cons in order to find that next read and meet the authors who created characters they know and love.
So how do you know if YOU are a super-fan? There are some warning signs...
1. BookBub Follow - you not only get that BookBub blast and the newsletter, you also FOLLOW your favorite authors. Here's my BookBub page to make it easier to follow me!
Here's my BookBub page - I hope you'll follow me there!
2. Amazon Review
Any reader can write a customer review of a book. You will find the review option as a gray button at the bottom of the page, beside the customer review star-bar graph. Customers who BUY the book at Amazon get the distinction of having **Verified Purchaser** placed with their review.
Here's a place to review my latest book
3. Amazon Follow - You know that your favorite authors have an author page on Amazon and you are following your favorite few so you don't miss a release.
Here's my Amazon Author's Page. The follow button is right there.
4. Newsletter subscriptions - Yes, you get innondated by author newsletters on release days but you also get to see what's new in their lives and enjoy subscribers-only contests, sneak-peeks and free reads. Totally worth it.
Here's Jenna's Newsletter subscription page on her website (http://www.jennakernan.com). New subscribers receive a FREE ebook as a thank you for joining her list.
5. GoodReads Recommend
Here is a new one to me. You can recommend any book you have in your GoodReads My Books area. The Recommend It button is on the top right of the page.
Give it a try HERE.
6. GoodReads Follow and Friend - You love GoodReads and visit your favorite GoodRead Authors' pages to see what they are reading, take a quiz, read a blog or ask a question. You follow authors and you friend authors. You've even gotten a recommendation or two from your new friends.
You can Add Friends, Follow Authors and even Follow Reviewers from your community page.
Want to try Friending an author? Choose me right here!
Here's Jenna's GoodRead Page -https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/98783.Jenna_Kernan
7. Facebook Like
What the heck is the difference between a LIKE and a FRIEND on Facebook? Well, a LIKE is reserved for business pages only. You can't FRIEND a business page and giving a LIKE tells Facebook that you would like to see that business page's posts. PS - most authors have TWO pages. Their personal page, where you can FRIEND, and their business page, where you can LIKE the page to get updates. This is different than liking a post, which you can do on either personal or professional pages.
Here is where to LIKE Jenna Kernan's professional page.
8. Facebook Friend
The Facebook FRIEND request lets the author know that you'd like to hear more personal details on their writing life. Unfortunately, the most popular authors are maxed out their friends quota long ago and cannot accept any newfriends. They will likely direct you to their professional/business page instead. But, good news, I've got room for more friends!
Friend me here.
9. Buy the Book
Obviously, Superfans buy the book! Their house is filled with books and they know the best way to keep writers writing is to support them by purchasing the book. Did you know that books with the covers torn off have been returned by a bookstore for a refund? Publishers find it less expensive to just receive the covers than pay to ship books back. I didn't know that and so used to buy books without covers. I don't do that anymore!
10. Attend a Book Conference
Superfans attend local and national reader events, group discussions online and are often in a bookclub. Does that sound like you? If so, here's two events you won't want to miss.
BookCon - this event is held in the summer at the Javits Center in NYC and is described as "the event where storytelling and pop culture collide." Authors, autographing, workshops, marketplace and more free books than you can carry away! This event is absolutely huge!
RWA's Annual "Readers For Life" Literary Author Signing During this event, held at their annual conference, "hundreds of romance authors meet with and sign books for fans in this two-hour event, with the proceeds from book sales going to literacy organizations." This year the signing is in Denver on Saturday, July 21, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. MT at the Sheraton Downtown Denver Hotel
11. Frequent their local bookstore and attend book readings - Not all reading has gone digital. There is an upswing in new independent bookstores returning to our towns. Amazon is even opening some 'brick and mortar' stores. If you want to find a super-fan, this is a great place to start. Are you there to attend readings by local authors and show them your support? Do you stay afterwards to buy the book? Uh-oh, definitely Superfan behavior.
Superfans are important because they are the vanguard consumers who spread the word when they encounter a great read and help other readers find great books.
If you got six or more than you are a SUPERFAN!!
So...are you a superfan?